Project Details
Client Name: City of Lynden
Construction Cost: $2.3 Million
This project consisted of four major components: 1) reconstruction of 3,100 feet of Kok Rd. from 19th Street to 17th Street 2) a bridge replacement at the Kok Rd. crossing of Fishtrap Creek 3) replacement of sanitary sewer lift station number 2 and 4) replacement of 800 feet of sanitary sewer on Kok Rd. from 19th Street to SR539. R&E performed full PS&E preparation and construction management for this federally funded project. Work included complete roadway reconstruction including curbs, sidewalk, grading, storm drainage conveyance, detention and water quality as well as sanitary sewer gravity and force main, sanitary sewer lift station replacement, water main and complete bridge removal and replacement. Particular project challenges included matches to existing properties due to localized changes in topography, coordination with franchise utilities to relocate utility poles outside of the improvements, lowering of an existing natural gas main, and construction coordination and scheduling for 4 different construction contracts.