Project Details
Client Name: City of Mount Vernon
Construction Cost: $1.3 Million
R&E’s work for this project included design PS&E, permitting, construction management and inspection. The intersection was improved to facilitate better mobility and level of service. This project included the widening of College Way (SR 538) and Riverside Drive from five to seven lanes and the installation of a new traffic signal and drainage upgrades. Also, this project included extensive right-of-way acquisition, close coordination between WSDOT and franchise utilities as well as identification of construction sequence and phasing schemes to minimize impact to the traveling public. Design coordination with WSDOT was also necessary to properly accommodate a future WSDOT construction project which would convert the intersection from conventional asphalt surfacing to concrete surfacing. This coordination included assisting WSDOT with vertical profile elements, ensuring that proper drainage was maintained in the interim period, and design and construction of curb grades and alignments that functioned in the interim and final surfacing configuration.