Project Details
Client Name: City of Ferndale
Construction Cost: $4.4 Million
3,000 LF roadway reconstruction project. The project reconstructed and widened 2nd Avenue, from Washington Street to Eaton Street. A new road was extended north from Eaton to the Portal Way/I-5 Interchange. A roundabout was constructed at the Portal Way/I-5 Interchange. This project included right-of-way acquisition, environmental justice documentation/approval, noise report/approval, ECS, Corp Wetland Permit, BNSF/WUTC crossing and upgrade permits, roundabout evaluation, WSDOT roundabout geometry/channelization approval, and utility coordination. Also included were horizontal directional drilling (HDD) of two – 12” water mains and jacking of 100 linear feet of 24” steel casing under BNSF tracks, undergrounding overhead utilities, and public coordination. The design, including permitting and ROW acquisition, was completed in approximately 10 months.